Modem Command Guidelines

Escaping from Online Mode to Online Command Mode

Use the following steps to break out of a data transfer session (online mode) and enter the online command mode. The established connection is maintained, but input is interpreted locally and not transmitted to the remote connection.

1.Press and hold shift and type +++.

An OK result code is displayed.

2.Enter modem commands as needed.

3.Return to online mode by entering AT0 command or terminate the connection with the ATH0 command.

Creating a Command Mode Shortcut

You can create a shortcut for accessing HyperTerminal and sending commands to the modem. To create a command mode shortcut on the Windows desktop:

1.Create a Command Mode icon.

a.Access HyperTerminal

b.Double-click the Hypertrm.exe icon. The Connection Description dialog box is displayed.

c.Type Command in the Name option.

d.Select OK. The Phone Number dialog box is displayed.

Modem Command Guidelines (Advanced Users Only)