You can turn on the audible guidance (voice instructions and speed camera warning) by selecting the Voice check box. Move the voice slider to adjust the loudness of voice prompts.
●Moving the voice slider to the leftmost position suppresses the voice guidance.
●Moving the voice slider to the rightmost position applies the master volume.
Key soundsYou can turn on key sounds by selecting the Keys check box, which is placed below the Voice check box. Key sounds are audible confirmations of either pressing hardware buttons or tapping the touch screen.
NOTE: The sound effects on your Travel Companion are context sensitive. They are different if, for example you open or close a window, or enable or disable a setting. These effects indicates if you have entered enough letters of a street name to have a short list of matching street names displayed on the screen.
When driving at a high speed, the noise in the car might be too loud to clearly understand the voice guidance messages and perceive the key sounds. Using Dynamic Volume, you can configure your Travel Companion to increase the volume when your speed exceeds a certain minimum, and reach its highest volume at the given maximum speed.
To change dynamic volume:
1.Tap Dynamic Volume to turn on the feature.
2.Move the slider to set the minimum and maximum speeds.
Route settings
You can use the Route settings screen to determine how routes are calculated.
This screen is also accessible from the Route Information screen.
VehicleYou can set the type of the vehicle that you might use to navigate the route. Based upon this setting, certain road types are excluded from the route, or some of the restrictions might not be taken into account.
Additionally, when either Bus or Lorry is chosen, the Travel Companion assumes that high speeds cannot be achieved, and this information is taken into account when calculating the route, the estimated time enroute (ETE), and the estimated time of arrival (ETA).
You can choose the type of vehicle from the available values:
●Car●Taxi●Bus●Lorry●Bicycle60 Chapter 14 Settings