Route calculation method
You can choose from three different route types.
Choosing Short results in a route that has the smallest total distance of all possible routes between the given points. This is usually preferred by cyclists or slow vehicles.
Choosing Fast results in the quickest possible route, given that you can travel at or near the speed limits on all included roads. This is usually preferred for fast and normal cars.
This setting is a combination of the previous two. Although it is used to select the fastest solution, if there is another route taking a bit more time but a lot less distance compared to the fastest one, your Travel Companion chooses this one instead to save fuel.
Off-route recalculation
Once a route is planned, this setting offers options on what to do when you deviate from that route.
The route is recalculated automatically a few seconds after you go astray.
If you stick to the original route, and you wish to get back to it on your own, you can disable recalculation. Guidance stops until you return to the recommended route.
To select the route that fits your needs, you can also set which road types are to be considered for or to be excluded from the route if possible.
●On Check items to avoid screen, select the road type you require to avoid.
●Clear the check box to use the specific road type.
NOTE: Excluding a road type does not necessarily mean that the road type can be completely avoided on your routes. If your destination can only be accessed by using some of the excluded road types, your Travel Companion uses them minimally. In this case a warning icon is displayed on the Route Information screen, and the road that does not match your preference is displayed using an alternate color on the map.
Unpaved Roads
Unpaved roads are excluded by default, as they can be in a bad condition and you usually cannot reach the speed limit on them.
When driving a slow car or towing another vehicle, you might prefer to avoid motorways.
Route settings 61