Clearing Variables

Variables' values are retained by Continuous Memory until you replace them or clear them. Clearing a variable stores a zero there; a value of zero takes no memory.

To clear a single variable:

Store zero in it: Press 0 Ivariable.

To clear selected variables:

1.Press {Y{#} and use šor ™to display the variable.

2.Press {c.

3.Press ‡to cancel the catalog.

To clear all variables at once:

Press {c{# }.

Arithmetic with Stored Variables

Storage arithmetic and recall arithmetic allow you to do calculations with a number stored in a variable without recalling the variable into the stack. A calculation uses one number from the X–register and one number from the specified variable.

Storage Arithmetic

Storage arithmetic uses I›, I…, Iz, or Iqto do arithmetic in the variable itself and to store the result there. It uses the value in the X–register and does not affect the stack.

New value of variable = Previous value of variable {+, –, , } x.

For example, suppose you want to reduce the value in A(15) by the number in the X–register (3, displayed). Press I…A. Now A = 12, while 3 is still in the display.

3–4Storing Data into Variables