1.Connect the workstation to the Ethernet network containing the OA. If the OA is not on a network, connect directly to the OA/iLO Ethernet port on the active OA.


Verify that the switch is not being reconfigured from any other connections during the remaining steps.

2.Open a Telnet connection using the IP address set earlier. The login prompt displays when the Telnet connection locates the switch in the network.

3.Enter the user name, using the administrative account admin.

4.Enter the password. The default password is password.


You can run up to two simultaneous admin sessions and four user sessions.

If you have not changed the system passwords from the default, you are prompted to change them. Enter the new system passwords, or press Ctrl-c to skip the password prompts.

5.Verify that the login was successful. If successful, the prompt displays the switch name and user ID to which you are connected.

Setting the date and time

The date and time are used for logging events. 8Gb SAN Switch operation does not depend on the date and time; a switch with an incorrect date and time value will function properly.

To set the date and time using the CLI:

1.If you have not already done so, connect to the switch and log in as admin as described in Connect to the Command Line Interface, page 25.

2.Issue the date command using the following syntax: date mmddHHMMyy


mm is the month; valid values are 01 through 12.

dd is the date; valid values are 01 through 31.

HH is the hour; valid values are 00 through 23.

MM is minutes; valid values are 00 through 59.

yy is the year; valid values are 00 through 99 (values greater than 69 are interpreted as 1970–1999, and values less than 70 are interpreted as 2000–2069).

For example: switch:admin> date

Fri Jan 29 17:01:48 UTC 2000 switch:admin> date 0227123003 Thu Feb 27 12:30:00 UTC 2003 switch:admin>

For details about changing time zones, see the tsTimeZone command in the latest version of the Fabric OS command reference guide.

Verifying installed licenses

To determine the type of licensing included with your 8Gb SAN Switch, enter licenseshow at the command prompt, as in the following example:

26 Setup