Password Security

This computer supports two security password features that are established through the Computer Setup Utilities menu: setup password and power-on password. When you establish only a setup password, any user can access all the information on the computer except Computer Setup. When you establish only a power-on password, the power-on password is required to access Computer Setup and any other information on the computer. When you establish both passwords, only the setup password will give you access to Computer Setup.

When both passwords are set, the setup password can also be used in place of the power-on password as an override to log in to the computer.

If you forget the password for the computer, you can clear that password so you can gain access to the information on the computer by resetting the password jumper.

Clearing and Resetting CMOS

The computer’s configuration memory (CMOS) stores information about the computer’s con- figuration. The CMOS button resets CMOS but does not clear the power-on and setup pass- words. Clearing CMOS will clear the Active Management Technology (AMT) settings in the Management Engine BIOS Extension (MEBx), including the password. The password defaults to “admin” and needs to be reset. The AMT settings must also be reset. To access the MEBx, press Ctrl+P during POST.

1.Turn off the computer and any external devices, and disconnect the power cord.

2.Disconnect the keyboard, monitor, and any other external equipment.

3.Remove the access panel.

4.Slide the CMOS switch.

5.Replace the access panel.

6.Reconnect the external devices.

7.Plug in the computer and turn on power.

Clearing or Disabling a Power-On or Setup password

1.Shut down the operating system properly, then turn off the computer and any external devices, and disconnect the power cord.

2.With the power cord disconnected, press the power button again to drain any residual power.

3.Remove the access panel.

4.Locate the header and jumper. The password jumper is green.

5.Remove the jumper from pins 1 and 2. Place the jumper on either pin 1 or 2, but not both.

6.Replace the access panel.

7.Reconnect the external equipment.

8.Plug in the computer and turn on power. Allow the operating system to start. This clears the current passwords and disables the password features.

9.To establish new passwords, repeat steps 1 through 4, replace the password jumper on pins 1 and 2, then repeat steps 6 through 8. Establish the new passwords in Computer Setup.

Hewlett-Packard Vision Diagnostics

The Hewlett-Packard Vision Diagnostics utility allows you to view information about the hardware configuration of the computer and perform hardware diagnostic tests on the subsystems of the computer. The utility simplifies the process of effectively identifying, diagnosing, and isolating hardware issues.

Use HP Vision Diagnostics to determine if all the devices installed on the computer are recognized by the system and functioning properly. Running tests is optional but recommended after installing or connecting a new device.

To access HP Vision Diagnostics, you must create a Recovery Disc Set then boot to the CD containing the utility. It can also be downloaded from and either burned to CD or installed to a USB flash drive.

1.In Windows Explorer, go to C:\SWSetup\ISOs and burn the file Vision Diagnostics.ISO to a CD or copy it to a USB flash drive.

2.While the computer is on, insert the CD in the optical drive or USB flash drive in a USB port.

3.Shut down the operating system and turn off the computer.

4.Turn on the computer. The system will boot into HP Vision Diagnostics.

NOTE: If the system does not boot to the CD in the optical drive or to the USB flash drive, you may need to change the boot order in the Computer Setup (F10) utility.

5.At the boot menu, select either the HP Vision Diagnostics utility to test the various hardware components in the computer or the HP Memory Test utility to test memory only.

NOTE: The HP Memory Test is a comprehensive memory diagnostic utility that is run as a stand-alone application, outside of HP Vision Diagnostics.

6.If running HP Vision Diagnostics, select the appropriate language and click Continue.

7.In the End User License Agreement page, select Agree if you agree with the terms. The HP Vision Diagnostics utility launches with the Survey tab displayed.

Diagnostic LEDs



Possible Cause

Recommended Action





Green pwr


Computer on.











Green LED,


Computer in Suspend to

None required. Press any key or move the

1 blink/2


RAM mode (some mod-

mouse to wake the computer.



els only) or normal Sus-





pend mode.








Red LED, 1


Thermal protection acti-


Clean all air vents.

blink/sec, 2


vated: A fan may be


Ensure that there is a 10.2 cm (4 in) clear-

sec pause


blocked or not turning.

ance on all vented sides of the computer to



or the heat sink/fan

permit the required airflow.



assembly is not properly

3.Ensure that computers are not stacked on




top of each other or so near each other that




hey are subject to each other's recirculated




or preheated air.




4.If the computer is within an enclosure,




ensure that there is proper intake and




exhaust ventilation for the enclosure.





If message appears on the screen indicat-




ing that a fan is not working, replace the fan.





Ensure that the heat sink is properly










Red LED,


Processor not installed


Check if processor is present.

3 blinks/sec,


(not indicator of bad


Reseat processor.

2 sec pause










Red LED,


Power failure (power


Check if a device is causing the problem

4 blinks/sec,


supply is overloaded)

by removing ALL attached devices. Power

2 sec pause



on system. If system enters the POST, then



The incorrect external

power off and replace one device at a time



power supply adapter is

and repeat until failure occurs. Replace



being used on the

device causing failure. Continue adding




devices one at a time to ensure all devices




functioning properly.





Replace the power supply.





Replace the system board.








The USDT external power supply must be at




135W and use the Smart ID technology




before the system will power up. Replace




the power supply adapter with the HP-sup-




plied USDT power supply.






Red LED,


Pre-video memory


Reseat DIMMs.

5 blinks/sec,




Make sure a DIMM is installed in black

2 sec pause



DIMM connector first if only one DIMM.





Replace 3rd-party with HP memory.





Replace system board.





Red LED,


Pre-video graphics

For systems with integrated graphics,

6 blinks/sec,



replace system board.

2 sec pause









Red LED,


System board failure

Replace system board.

7 blinks/sec,


(ROM detected failure



2 sec pause


prior to video).








Red LED,


Invalid ROM based on


Reflash system ROM with latest BIOS

8 blinks/sec,


bad checksum.


2 sec pause




Replace system board.





Red LED,


System powers on but is

1. Check that voltage selector, located on the

9 blinks/sec,


unable to boot.

rear of power supply (some models), is set to

2 sec pause



appropriate voltage. Proper voltage setting




depends on region.





Unplug power cord from computer, wait




30 seconds, plug back in.





Replace system board.





Replace processor.






Red LED,


Bad option card.


Check each option card by removing the

10 blinks/



card (one at a time if multiple cards), then

sec, 2 sec



power on system to see if fault goes away.





Once bad card identified, remove and




replace bad option card.





Replace system board.





System does


System unable to power

Press and hold power button for less than 4

not power



seconds. If hard drive LED turns green,

on and



power button working correctly. Try the fol-

LEDs are




not flashing




Check that voltage selector (some mod-




els), located on the rear of power supply, is




set to appropriate voltage. Proper voltage




setting depends on region.





Replace system board.








Press and hold power button for less than 4




seconds. If hard drive LED does not turn on




green then:





Check that unit plugged into a working




AC outlet.





Open hood and check that power button




harness is properly connected to system









Check that both power supply cables are




properly connected to system board.




4. Check if 5V_aux light on system board is




turned on. If yes, replace power button har-




ness. If problem persists, replace system









If 5V_aux light on system board is not




turned on, remove expansion cards one at a




time until 5V_aux light on system board




turns on. It problem persists, replace power










HP Compaq 6005 Pro, USDT Chassis


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