2HP ProtectTools Security Manager Administrative Console
About HP ProtectTools Administrative Console
Administration of HP ProtectTools Security Manager is provided through the Administrative Console. Using the console, the local administrator can:
●Enable or disable security features
●Manage users of the computer
●Configure Security Manager applications
●Add additional Security Manager applications
Using the Administrative Console
The Security Manager Administrative Console is the central location for administering HP ProtectTools Security Manager.
To open the console:
●Select Start > All Programs > HP > HP ProtectTools Administrative Console, or●Click the Administration link in the
The Administrative Console consists of two panes: a left pane and a right pane. The left pane contains the administrative tools. The right pane contains the working area for configuring the tools.
The Administrative Console left pane consists of the following:
●Home - Provides easy access to commonly used tasks, including enabling security features, specifying security credentials, and managing users.
●System - Manages configuration of
●Applications - Includes tools for configuring the behavior of Security Manager and its applications.
●Data - Provides tools for managing drive encryptions and backing up and recovering encryption keys.
●Computer - Device Access Manager provides advanced security options to selectively disallow various types of devices that could compromise PC security and set access permissions for various users and groups.
●Communications - Privacy Manager allows the user to manage
12 Chapter 2 HP ProtectTools Security Manager Administrative Console | ENWW |