Command Line Interface Reference Guide | aaa |
| |
■[no] aaa port-access authenticator active
Activate/deactivate 802.1X authenticator.
■aaa port-accessmac-basedaddr-format< no-delimiter single-dash multi-dash ... >
Set the MAC address format to be used in the RADIUS request message (default no-delimiter).
Supported Values:
■no-delimiter-- no delimiter format: aabbccddeeff.
■single-dash-- single dash format: aabbcc-ddeeff.
■multi-dash-- multi-dash format: aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.
■multi-colon-- multi-colon format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff.
■no-delimiter-uppercase-- no delimiter, uppercase format: AABBCCDDEEFF.
■single-dash-uppercase-- single dash, uppercase format: AABBCC-DDEEFF.
■multi-dash-uppercase-- multi-dash, uppercase format: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF.
■multi-colon-uppercase-- multi-colon, uppercase format: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.
■aaa port-access mac-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LISTaddr-limit < 1 to 32 >
Set the port's maximum number of authenticated MAC addresses (default 1).
Range: < 1 to 32 >
■[no] aaa port-access mac-based [ETHERNET] PORT-LISTaddr-moves
Set whether the MAC can move between ports (default disabled - no moves).
■ aaa authentication
Usage: aaa authentication ...
Description: Configure authentication parameters on the switch.
The command configures authentication mechanism used to
control access the switch resources. Use 'aaa authentication ?' command to see a list of all possible configuration options.
Next Available Options:
■console -- Configure authentication mechanism used to control access to the switch console(p. 32)
■telnet -- Configure authentication mechanism used to control telnet access to the switch(p. 52)
■web -- Configure authentication mechanism used to control web access to the switch(p. 54)
■ssh -- Configure authentication mechanism used to control SSH access to the switch(p. 50)
■port-access-- Configure authentication mechanism used to control access to the network(p. 42)