| Everything you need for beautiful HP photo | Get the picture you want | | | |
| photo prints | | | Automatically remove red-eye and print water-4and fade-resistant |
| | | | fade-resistant photos.5 | | | |
| An easy, three-step system—just snap, dock and print beautiful photos. | | | Datasheet |
| HP Photosmart A434 Photo Studio | and improve color, using HP Photo Fix. |
| photos. | | | • Automatically remove red-eye, brighten and sharpen photos and |
| | | | | | | | |
| • Take beautiful photos, using a compact, 6 MP camera, with 3x optical | | | | | |
| HP Photosmart M525 Digital Camera & Photosmart A432 Printer | | | |
| optical zoom. | | | • Add creative touches, borders and more to your photos and remove |
| | | remove red eye—right on the camera. | | | |
| • Bypass the PC to preview, edit and print only the photos you want, | | | |
| • Get beautiful 4 x 6-inch photos for as little as 29 cents each,3 using |
| want, using camera's 1.7-inch display | |
| • .Dock the stylish HP camera on this matching printer for easy prints, using the HP Photo Value Pack. | | | |
| prints, plus recharge batteries. | | | • Get water- and fade-resistant photos, using HP Vivera Inks and HP |
| | | HP Advanced Photo Paper.5 | | | |
| | | | | | |
| • Effortlessly print photos, using intuitive buttons and easy menus, without | | | | | |
| without a computer. | | | 1 HP Photosmart Internal Battery for Compact Photo Printers not included. Please purchase separate |
| | | | 1 | | | | | |
| Fun and portable printing | | | separately. Number of prints per charge may vary. | | | |
| 1 | without a computer2Bluetooth® wireless adapter not included. Supports camera phones with Bluetooth® wireless |
| | | 2separately.® Number of prints per charge may vary. | | ® | wireless |
| | | | Bluetooth | wireless adapter not included. Supports camera phones with Bluetooth | |
| computer | | | wireless technology. Visit www.hp.com/support/bluetooth for a list of compatible devices. |
| | | 3 | | | | | |
| | | | 3 | | | | | |
| | | | wirelessSpecial technologyofferwith purchase.Visit wwwof.HPhp.com/support/bluetoothPhotoValue Pack, Customfor110a listSeries,of compatible4 x 6-inch,devices120.sheets |
| | | | sheetsSpecialbasedofferonwithestimatedpurchasestreetof HPpricePhoto. ResultsValuemayPack,varyCustom. 110 Series, 4 x 6-inch, 120 sheets |
| | | | 4Up to 50 years based on Wilhelm-Research.com light fade testing under glass using the HP |
| | | | sheets based on estimated street price. Results may vary. | | | |
| Snap, edit and print photos almost anywhere, no software or PC needed4HP 110. | Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge with Vivera Inks on HP Advanced Photo Paper. For more |
| | | | Up to 50 years based on Wilhelm-Research.com light fade testing under glass using the HP |
| needed. | | | more information on fade resistance, please visit www.hp.com/go/printpermanence. |
| | | HP5Smudge110 Triand-colorwaterInkjetresistantPrint Cartridgeonly whenwithprintedViverausingInksHPonAdvancedHP AdvancedPhotoPhotoPaperPaperand. HPFor110more |
| • Print a 4 x 6-inch photo at home, parties or almost anywhere—in | more110 Triinformation-color InkjetonPrintfadeCartridgeresistance,withpleaseViveravisitInks,wwwnot.hpavailable.com/go/printpermanence4 x 12-inch panorama. |
| panorama5 | size. | | | |
| hp anywhere—in as fast as 60 seconds. | | | Smudge and water resistant only when printed using HP Advanced Photo Paper and HP 110 |
| | | panorama size. | | | |
| | | | 110 Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge with Vivera Inks, not available in 4 x 12-inch panorama |
• Connect to a TV to display a slide show—then print photos and video video action prints—using a remote.
• Take this lightweight printer with you, using an easy-to-carry handle
Everything you need to take and print photos
handle and folding paper trays.
•Get truly portable printing, with an optional rechargeable battery,
•Take beautiful photos usingbattery,aforcompactup to 75 prints6 MPpercameracharge.1 with 3x optical
zoom | • Print directly from select camera phones, notebook PCs and more, |
| more, with an optional wireless adapter.2 |
• Preview, edit and print photos almost anywhere1 without a PC Get the picture you want
• Automatically remove red-eye and enhance photos with HP Photo Fix
Automatically remove red-eye and print water-4and fade-resistant fade-resistant photos.5
•Automatically remove red-eye, brighten and sharpen photos and and improve color, using HP Photo Fix.
•Add creative touches, borders and more to your photos and remove
Everythingremove red eyeyou—rightneedon the camerafor beautiful. HP photo Get the picture you want
• Get beautiful 4 x 6-inch photos for as little as 29 cents each,3 using | Automatically remove red-eye and print water- | 4 | and fade-resistant |
photo prints | | | | | | |
| using the HP Photo Value Pack. | | | | fade-resistant photos.5 | | | | |
An easy, three-step system—just snap, dock and print beautiful photos. | | | | | | |
• Get water- and fade-resistant photos, using HP Vivera Inks and HP | • Automatically remove red-eye, brighten and sharpen photos and |
photos. | | | 5 | | | |
| HP Advanced Photo Paper. | | | | | | and improve color, using HP Photo Fix. | | | | |
• Take beautiful photos, using a compact, 6 MP camera, with 3x optical | | | | | | |
1 | optical zoom. | | | | | | • Add creative touches, borders and more to your photos and remove |
| HP Photosmart Internal Battery for Compact Photo Printers not included. Please purchase separately. | | | | | | |
separately. Number of prints per charge may vary. | | | want, | | remove red eye—right on the camera. | | | | |
2• Bypass® | the PC to preview, edit and print only the photos you® | • Get beautiful 4 x 6-inch photos for as little as 29 cents each,3 using |
| Bluetooth wireless adapter not included. Supports camera phones with Bluetooth wireless |
wirelesswant,technologyusing.camera'sVisit www.hp1.com/support/bluetooth.7-inch display for a list of compatible devices. | | using the HP Photo Value Pack. | | | | |
3Special offer with purchase of HP Photo Value Pack, Custom 110 Series, 4 x 6-inch, 120 sheets | | | | |
• .Dock the stylish HP camera on this matching printer for easy prints, | | | | | | |
sheets based on estimated street price. Results may vary. | | | • Get water- and fade-resistant photos, using HP Vivera Inks and HP |
4Upprints,to 50 yearsplusbasedrechargeon Wilhelmbatteries-Research.com light fade testing under glass using the HP |
HP 110 Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge with Vivera Inks on HP Advanced Photo Paper. For more | | HP Advanced Photo Paper.5 | | | | |
• Effortlessly print photos, using intuitive buttons and easy menus, without | | | | | | |
more information on fade resistance, please visit www.hp.com/go/printpermanence. | | 1 HP Photosmart Internal Battery for Compact Photo Printers not included. Please purchase separate |
5 | Smudgewithoutand watera computerresistant only. | when printed using HP Advanced Photo Paper and HP 110 |
| | | | | | | 1 | | | | | | | |
110 Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge with Vivera Inks, not available in 4 x 12-inch panorama | separately. Number of prints per charge may vary. | | | | |
Fun and portable printing | | | | | | | |
1 | without a computer2Bluetooth® wireless adapter not included. Supports camera phones with Bluetooth® wireless |
panorama size. | | | | | | | Bluetooth | wireless adapter not included. Supports camera phones with Bluetooth | wireless |
computer | | | | | | wireless technology. Visit www.hp.com/support/bluetooth for a list of compatible devices. |
| | | | | 3 | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | 3 | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | wirelessSpecial technologyofferwith purchase.Visit wwwof.HPhp.com/support/bluetoothPhotoValue Pack, Customfor110a listSeries,of compatible4 x 6-inch,devices120.sheets |
| | | | | | | | sheetsSpecialbasedofferonwithestimatedpurchasestreetof HPpricePhoto. ResultsValuemayPack,varyCustom. | 110 Series, 4 x 6-inch, 120 sheets |
| | | | | | | | 4Up to 50 years based on Wilhelm-Research.com light fade testing under glass using the HP |
| | | | | | | | sheets based on estimated street price. Results may vary. | | | | |
Snap, edit and print photos almost anywhere, no software or PC needed4HP 110. | Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge with Vivera Inks on HP Advanced Photo Paper. For more |
| | | | | | | | | Up to 50 years based on Wilhelm-Research.com light fade testing under glass using the HP |
needed. | | | | | | | more information on fade resistance, please visit www.hp.com/go/printpermanence. |
| | | | | | HP5Smudge110 Triand-colorwaterInkjetresistantPrint Cartridgeonly whenwithprintedViverausingInksHPonAdvancedHP AdvancedPhotoPhotoPaperPaperand. HPFor110more |
• Print a 4 x 6-inch photo at home, parties or almost anywhere—in | more110 Triinformation-color InkjetonPrintfadeCartridgeresistance,withpleaseViveravisitInks,wwwnot.hpavailable.com/go/printpermanence4 x 12-inch panorama. |
panorama5 | size. | | | | |
| anywhere—in as fast as 60 seconds. | | | | | Smudge and water resistant only when printed using HP Advanced Photo Paper and HP 110 |
| | | | 110 Tri-color Inkjet Print Cartridge with Vivera Inks, not available in 4 x 12-inch panorama |
| | | | | | | | panorama size. | | | | |
• Connect to a TV to display a slide show—then print photos and video | | | | | | |
video action prints—using a remote.
• Take this lightweight printer with you, using an easy-to-carry handle handle and folding paper trays.
• Get truly portable printing, with an optional rechargeable battery, battery, for up to 75 prints per charge.1
• Print directly from select camera phones, notebook PCs and more, more, with an optional wireless adapter.2
Get the picture you want
Automatically remove red-eye and print water-4and fade-resistant fade-resistant photos.5
•Automatically remove red-eye, brighten and sharpen photos and and improve color, using HP Photo Fix.
•Add creative touches, borders and more to your photos and remove remove red eye—right on the camera.
•Get beautiful 4 x 6-inch photos for as little as 29 cents each,3 using using the HP Photo Value Pack.
•Get water- and fade-resistant photos, using HP Vivera Inks and HP