Registering fingerprints

A fingerprint reader allows you to log on to Windows using a fingerprint registered in VeriSoft Access Manager, instead of using a Windows password.

Whether you are using an HP computer with an integrated fingerprint reader or an optional external fingerprint reader, you must set up the fingerprint reader before you can use a fingerprint logon to Windows.

NOTE: If you are using an optional external fingerprint reader, connect the reader to the computer before performing the steps below.

1.In Windows, double-click the VeriSoft Access Manager icon in the notification area of the taskbar.

2.On the “My Identity” page, click Log On, located in the upper-left corner of the page. The VeriSoft Access Manager Logon Wizard opens.

3.On the “Introduce Yourself” page, enter the user's Windows password, if one has been established, and then click Next.

4.On the “Services and Applications” page, click I want to, and then click Register Fingerprints.

NOTE: By default, VeriSoft Access Manager requires registration of at least 2 different fingers.

5.When the VeriSoft Access Manager Registration Wizard opens, click Next, and then slowly swipe your finger across the sensor.

NOTE: The right index finger is the default finger for enrolling the first fingerprint. You can change the default by clicking the finger you want to register first, on either the left hand or the right hand. When you click a finger, it will be outlined to show it has been selected.

6.Continue swiping the same finger over the fingerprint sensor until the finger on the screen turns green.

NOTE: The progress indicator advances after each finger swipe. Multiple swipes are necessary to register a fingerprint.

NOTE: If you need to start over during the fingerprint registration process, right-click the highlighted finger on the screen and then click Start Over.

7.Click a different finger on the screen to register, and then repeat steps 5 and 6.

NOTE: If you click Finish before registering at least 2 fingers, an error message is displayed. Click OK to continue.

8.After you have registered at least 2 fingers, click Finish.

9.To set up the fingerprint reader for a different Windows user, log on to Windows as that user and then repeat steps 1 through 8.

12 Chapter 7 Using the fingerprint reader (select models only)