HP Remote Graphics 4.2.0 User's Guide

have an associated timeout since it is not an incoming invocation from the Sender to the Receiver. This dialog displays indefinitely until the user responds "OK" or "Cancel" to its requests.

The default property for Rgreceiver.Network.Timeout.Dialog and Rgsender.Network.Timeout.Dialog is fifteen thousand milliseconds (15 seconds). This should support most user authorization scenarios or PAM authentication dialogs displayed by the Receiver. In cases of more complex scenarios requiring additional time, the user should adjust both Receiver and Sender timeouts appropriately through the Receiver Control Panel, specifying properties on the command line, or using a properties configuration file.

In summary, the Receiver and Sender properties Rgreceiver.Network.Timeout.Dialog and Rgsender.Network.Timeout.Dialog similarly control the duration of response wait time requiring user interaction while making outgoing connections and dialog display time as a result of incoming messages/invocations.