Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer Documentation

Guide to the HP E5200A Broadband Service

Analyzer Documentation

The HP E5200A Broadband Service Analyzer comes with a comprehensive set of paper and online documentation. Use the following table to determine which documents you should use.

What is it?What does it do?

Who is it for?

User’s Guide

contains instructions on how to set

all users


up and install the analyzer



provides an outline of the most



common functions



describes the online help



provides an outline of the most



common system administration






lists electrical, mechanical, and



environmental specifications


Online Help

three volumes–User, Macro, and UPE

all users


Compatibility–contain information



about, and instructions for using, the





Quick Reference

provides a quick overview of the


analyzer's main features and functions

Setting Up the

a series of guides that provide

Interface Pod

descriptions of, and instructions for


installing, individual interface pods


provides information about support,

Support card

service, and warranty

Release Notice

provides information not available


when this guide was printed

all users

all users will refer to at least one of these guides

all users

all users
