Worldwide network of networks linking millions of computers together; see also WAN (Wide Area Network).
Private home or business network.
IP (Internet Protocol) address
A unique
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
A developing standard for security on the Internet.
IPX (Internet Packet eXchange)
A Novell NetWare communications protocol similar to IP (Internet Protocol) used to route messages from one node to another on a network.
ISM band
The FCC and its counterparts outside the U.S. have set aside bandwidth for unlicensed use on the ISM band. In particular, the spectrum in the vicinity of 2.4 GHz is being made available worldwide.
ISP (Internet Service provider)
Company or organization providing access to the Internet.
LAN (Local Area Network)
Computers and peripherals linked together by cabling in a home, business, or local area with communication via networking protocols.
MAC (Media Access Control) address
A computer’s unique hardware number that identifies it over a network.
Megabits per second.
NAT (Network Address Translation)
Translation of an IP address in one network to a different IP address known within another.
Novell’s network operating system.