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TouchPad off indicator

When the TouchPad zone is active, the light is off.



When the TouchPad zone is inactive, the light is amber.



To switch between active and inactive, quickly double-tap the



TouchPad off indicator.





TouchPad zone

Moves the pointer and selects or activates items on the screen.





Left TouchPad control

Use the left side of the TouchPad control button like the left button



on an external mouse.





Right TouchPad control

Use the right side of the TouchPad control button like the right



button on an external mouse.




There is an unmarked scroll zone inside the right edge of the TouchPad. To scroll up and down using the TouchPad vertical scroll zone, slide your finger up or down along the right edge of the TouchPad.

For more information about TouchPad features, see Using the TouchPad on page 28.

2 Chapter 1 Features