Setting Up HP ProtectTools

You should only need to set up security one time. You can make changes to any of your security settings at a later time without going through the setup procedure again.

1.Install HP ProtectTools from the Getting Started CD, and then set up security on your HP iPAQ.

2.On your HP iPAQ, tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > HP ProtectTools.

3.The security configuration screen displays the message “Do you want to configure HP ProtectTools security on your device?” Tap Yes.

4.On the Lock Settings screen, select your choices for the following:

Lock device—secures device by requiring your PIN or password to authenticate access to the HP iPAQ.

Log off—secures device by requiring your PIN or password, stops running all programs, and encrypts your data. You can also select the amount of time between when you last used the device and when the data is encrypted.

NOTE Because encryption/decryption can take some time, if you use your device frequently, you may want to select a longer period of time.

5.Tap Next.

6.From the Unlock Settings screen, select the method by which you want to unlock your HP iPAQ, along with the number of attempts allowed for each setting:

Simple 4-digitPIN—enter a minimum four-digit number

Password—enter a combination of numbers and/or letters of any length

Strong alphanumeric password—enter a minimum of eight characters including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number

7.Tap Next.8.From the Fail-Safe Settings screen:

Select the number of attempts you have to answer your hint question correctly.

Select what the device should do if you fail to answer your hint question correctly after the associated number of attempts. It is recommended that you select the default, Pause before retrying question.

9.Tap Next.10.From the Encryption Settings screen:

Select the encryption strength.

Lite is the fastest but least secure algorithm.

Blowfish is both fast and secure.

Triple DES and AES are the most secure, but AES encrypts data faster than Triple DES.

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