[u][][Set ID][][OK][Data][x]
19. Key (Command: m c)To send IR remote key code.
[m][c][][Set ID][][Data][Cr]
Data Key code: Refer to the IR Codes Table on page 90 section.
[c][][Set ID][][OK][Data][x]
20. Tile Mode (Command: d d)Change a Tile Mode.
[d][d][][Set ID][][Data][x]
[Data] | Description |
00 or 11 | Tile mode is off. |
12 | 1 x 2 mode (column x row) |
13 | 1 x 3 mode |
14 | 1 x 4 mode |
... | ... |
55 | 5 x 5 mode |
The [Data] cannot be set to 0X or X0 except 00.
21. Tile H Position (Command: d e)To set the Horizontal position.
72 Appendix C Command reference | ENWW |