safety precautions

Prevent eye injury. Do not look into the projector’s lens when the lamp is on.

Prevent electrical shock. Do not expose the projector to rain or moisture. Do not open the projector except as instructed by the manual.

Allow the projector to cool before removing any cover and touching internal components, as instructed by the manual.

This digital projector lamp contains a small amount of mercury. If the lamp breaks, adequately ventilate the area where the breakage occurred. See the manual for disposal suggestions.

Keep paper and other combustible material away from the projector lens to prevent the possibility of fire.

Use only an approved power cord rated for the voltage and current marked on the product label.

Do not overload any outlet or extension cord.


Lampa tohoto digitálního projektoru obsahuje malé množství rtuti. Pokud se lampa rozbije, prostor, ve

precauciones de seguridad

Evite daños oculares. No mire directamente a la lente del proyector cuando la lámpara está encendida.

Evite las descargas eléctricas. No exponga el proyector a la lluvia ni a la humedad. No abra el proyector excepto tal y como se muestra en el manual.

Deje enfriar el proyector antes de retirar cualquier tapa y tocar los componentes internos, tal y como se indica en el manual.

Esta lámpara de proyector digital contiene una pequeña cantidad de mercurio. Si se rompe, ventile de forma adecuada el área en la que se produzca la rotura. Consulte el manual para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo deshacerse de este material.

Mantenga el papel y otros materiales combustibles alejados de la lente del proyector para evitar la posibilidad de que se produzca un incendio.

Utilice únicamente un cable de alimentación aprobado y específico para el voltaje y la corriente marcada en la etiqueta del producto.

No sobrecargue ninguna salida ni prolongador.

précautions d’emploi

Pour prévenir tout risque de blessure oculaire, ne pas


fixer l’objectif du projecteur quand la lampe est



Pour prévenir tout risque d’électrocution, ne pas


exposer le projecteur à la pluie ou à l’humidité. Ne


pas ouvrir l’appareil sauf si le manuel indique de le



Laisser le projecteur refroidir avant de retirer un


capot et de toucher des composants internes, comme


il est indiqué dans le manuel.

• La lampe du projecteur numérique contient une petite


quantité de mercure. Si la lampe se brise, aérez la

contents of the box

conteúdo da caixa

obsah krabice



obsah balenia

k likvidaci naleznete v

dosah objektivu projektoru, čímž zabráníte možnosti vzniku požáru.

a proudu uvedeným

na štítku výrobku.

zone affectée. Voir les suggestions du manuel pour

la mise au rebut.

• Pour prévenir tout risque d’incendie, ne pas laisser

papiers et matériaux combustibles à proximité de

l’objectif du projecteur.

• N’utiliser qu’un cordon d’alimentation agréé et

homologué pour la tension et le courant indiqués sur

l’étiquette du produit. Ne pas surcharger une prise

ou une rallonge.

contenido de la caja

contenu de l’emballage

contenuto della confezione

a doboz tartalma

inhoud van de doos


Augenverletzungen vermeiden. Nicht direkt in die Linse des Projektors blicken, wenn die Lampe eingeschaltet ist.

Elektrische Schläge vermeiden. Den Projektor nicht Regen oder Feuchtigkeit aussetzen. Den Projektor nur wie in der Anleitung beschrieben öffnen.

Den Projektor vor dem Entfernen der Abdeckung oder Berühren interner Komponenten wie in der Anleitung beschrieben abkühlen lassen.

Die digitale Projektorlampe enthält eine kleine Menge Quecksilber. Falls die Lampe zerbricht, den Raum, in dem die Beschädigung aufgetreten ist, angemessen entlüften. Hinweise zur Entsorgung sind in der Anleitung zu finden.

Zur Vermeidung von Brandgefahr Papier und andere brennbare Materialen von der Projektor-linse fernhalten.

Nur ein für die auf dem Produktetikett angegebene Spannung und Stromstärke zugelassenes Netzkabel verwenden. Am Stromanschluss oder

precauzioni di sicurezza

Prevenire lesioni agli occhi. Non guardare nella lente del proiettore quando la lampada è accesa.

Prevenire il rischio di scosse elettriche. Non esporre il proiettore a pioggia o umidità. Non aprire il proiettore, se non nei casi specificatamente indicati nel manuale.

Attendere che il proiettore si raffreddi prima di toglierne la copertura e di toccare i componenti interni, come indicato nel manuale.

La lampada di questo proiettore digitale contiene una piccola quantità di mercurio. Se si rompe, ventilare bene l’ambiente circostante e consultare il manuale per istruzioni sullo smaltimento.

Tenere carta ed altro materiale infiammabile lontano dalla lente del proiettore per evitare il rischio di incendio.

Usare solo un cavo di alimentazione approvato per la tensione e la corrente contrassegnate sull’etichetta del prodotto. Non sovraccaricare la presa di corrente o la prolunga.

Page 6
Image 6
HP mp3322 manual Safety precautions, Precauciones de seguridad, Précautions d’emploi, Contents of the box

mp3322 specifications

The HP MP3322 is a versatile and innovative mobile printer designed to meet the needs of professionals who require high-quality printing on the go. This compact device combines portability with advanced printing technologies, making it ideal for dynamic work environments.

One of the standout features of the HP MP3322 is its lightweight design. With dimensions that facilitate easy transport, it can be slipped into a bag or briefcase without weighing you down. Despite its small size, this mobile printer offers robust performance, capable of handling a variety of media types, including plain paper, glossy paper, and professional-grade photo paper.

The HP MP3322 utilizes thermal inkjet technology, ensuring crisp and vibrant prints with every job. This technology not only produces high-resolution documents but also enhances the speed of printing, allowing users to quickly generate reports, invoices, or marketing materials. Additionally, the printer boasts an excellent page-per-minute (PPM) rate, reducing waiting times and increasing productivity during critical business moments.

Connectivity is another strong aspect of the HP MP3322. The device supports multiple options, including USB, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, allowing users to connect it effortlessly to their laptops, tablets, or smartphones. This flexibility empowers employees to print from virtually anywhere, making it an exceptional tool for those who frequently travel for work or attend meetings in different locations.

Power management is thoughtfully designed in the HP MP3322, featuring a built-in rechargeable battery. This enables users to print without the need for a constant power source, further enhancing its portability. The printer also includes an intuitive LCD screen that provides essential information about the printing process, ink levels, and connectivity status.

The HP MP3322 is compatible with a wide range of operating systems, ensuring that it can be integrated easily into existing workflows. This compatibility, along with user-friendly software, simplifies the printing process whether users are at the office, in transit, or on site with clients.

In summary, the HP MP3322 is an exceptional mobile printer that combines advanced printing technology, user-friendly features, and portability. Its lightweight design, high-quality thermal inkjet printing, versatile connectivity options, and reliable battery operation make it an outstanding choice for professionals demanding efficiency and quality in their printing solutions.