Host Command Summary
Colour SelectionAssign colour |
| CSI *i *f *b , |
*i = Item | Normal text | 1 |
| Window frame | 2 (not actioned) |
*f = Foreground colour index | 0 - 15 | |
*b = Background colour index | 0 - 15 | |
Alternate text colour |
| CSI *a *f *b , } |
*a = Attribute 0 | Normal text | 8 | Reverse underline | |
1 | Bold | 9 | Reverse blink | |
2 | Reverse | 10 | Underline blink | |
3 | Underline | 11 | Bold reverse underline | |
4 | Blink | 12 | Bold reverse blink | |
5 | Bold reverse | 13 | Bold underline blink | |
6 | Bold underline | 14 | Reverse underline blink | |
7 | Bold blink | 15 | Bold reverse underline blink | |
| *f = Foreground colour index | 0 - 15 | ||
| *b = Background colour index | 0 - 15 |
Alternate text colour blink enabled Alternate text colour blink disabled Alternate text colour underline enabled Alternate text colour underline disabled
Bold and blink foreground & background enabled Bold and blink foreground only enabled Colour table request (* value: 1 = HLS, 2 = RGB) Colour table reply to host (*...* = parameter group) Colour table restore format (*...* = parameter group)
CSI ? 115 h CSI ? 115 l CSI ? 114 h CSI ? 114 l CSI ? 116 h CSI ? 116 l CSI 2 ; * $ u DCS 2 $ s *...* ST DCS 2 $ p *...* ST
*...* = group of 5 parameters: *n ; *s ; *1 ; *2 ; *3 /
*n = Colour number: 0 - 255
*s = Colour coordinate system: 0 = illegal, 1 = HLS, 2 = RGB
*1 | = HLS hue: 0 - 360 | or | RGB red: 0 - 100 |
*2 | = HLS lightness: 0 - 100 | or | RGB green: 0 - 100 |
*3 | = HLS saturation: 0 - 100 | or | RGB blue: 0 - 100 |
Select colour |
| CSI * ) { | |
| * = 0 Mono |
1Alternate colour (use text attributes)
2Alternate colour
3ANSI SGR colour
Text ProcessingCursor backward tabulation (* = no. of active tab positions) | CSI * Z |
Cursor horizontal absolute (* = no. of active char. positions) | CSI * G |
Cursor horizontal forward tab (* = no. of active tab positions) | CSI * I |
Cursor next line (* = number of active position) | CSI * E |
Cursor previous line (* = number of active position) | CSI * F |
Save cursor position (SCO) | CSI s |