HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 and HP OpenVMS Version
Table 3 lists the OE license upgrade options:
Table 3
OE License Upgrade Options
Product No. | Common Description |
BA453ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS FOE 2 |
| Processor |
BA325ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS FOE 4 |
| Processor |
BA326ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS FOE |
| Unlimited |
BA819ACN#130 | HP Upg credit from VMS FOE Tier C LTU |
BA451ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS EOE 2 |
| Processor |
BA397ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS EOE 4 |
| Processor |
BA327ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS EOE |
| Unlimited |
BA817ACN#130 | HP Upg credit from VMS EOE Tier C LTU |
BA455ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS MCOE 2 |
| Processor |
BA399ACN#130 | HP LTU Upgr credit from VMS MCOE 4 |
| Processor |
BA821ACN#130 | HP Upg credit from VMS MCOE Tier C |
| LTU |
OpenVMS Alpha Ordering Information
The following software licenses are offered for Open- VMS Alpha:
OpenVMS Alpha Operating System | |
| Base License |
OpenVMS Alpha Operating System | |
| Base Update License |
OpenVMS Alpha Operating System | |
| Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) |
| Base Extension License |
OpenVMS Alpha Operating System | |
| Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) |
| Base Extension Update License |
OpenVMS Alpha Individual User Li- | |
| cense (No Longer Available...order the |
| Concurrent Use License or Unlimited |
| User License) |
OpenVMS Alpha Unlimited User | |
| License |
OpenVMS Alpha Individual User | |
| Update License |
| OpenVMS Alpha Distributed Inter- |
| active User License (No Longer |
| Available...order the Concurrent Use |
| License) |
| OpenVMS Alpha Distributed Interac- |
| tive User Update License |
OpenVMS Concurrent Use License | |
OpenVMS Concurrent Use Update | |
| License |
Alpha CD Media and Online Documentation | |
OpenVMS Alpha software and online | |
| documentation |
OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 and | |
| VAX Version 7.3 software and online |
| documentation CD |
OpenVMS Hardcopy Documentation Sets
The OpenVMS Hardcopy Documentation set includes information on all three operating platforms (OpenVMS for Integrity servers, Alpha, and VAX). Due to different ordering systems for Integrity server and AlphaServer platforms, customers should order a BAxxxMN docu- mentation set with Integrity server orders, or a QA–