To select the color displayed on the




screen. The factory default setting is



“6500 K” or “Custom color”, depending




on the model of your monitor.




To select and adjust the color range:



Custom color

R – to set the level of red



G – to set the level of green







B – to set the level of blue




To set the color of the screen to comply




with color standards used in the imaging








To select the language displayed on the




OSD menu. The factory default setting




is “English”.








To select the function of power



management for your monitor.











To adjust the volume.











To adjust the position of the OSD menu




displayed on the screen.




OSD horizontal position – to adjust the




visual position of the OSD menu to the




right or left of the screen. The factory




default horizontal position value is 50.




OSD vertical position – to adjust the



OSD control

visual position of the OSD menu up or



down the screen. The factory default




vertical position value is 50.




OSD transparency – to adjust the




transparency to enable transparent




background information under the OSD.




OSD display time – to set the OSD




display time (in seconds) after the last




button is pressed . The factory default




setting is “30 seconds”.




To enable the energy-saving function



Power saver

Please select











The factory default setting is On.