NOTE: One of these file systems must be the shared file system/logical volume containing the Oracle Home configuration information ($ORACLE_HOME). The name of the instance is used to name the volume groups, logical volumes and file systems.


For example:

LV[0]=/dev/vg00_ORACLE_TEST0/lvol1FS[0]=/ORACLE_TEST0If you are using VxVMDISK GROUPS

Define the disk groups that are used by the Oracle instance. File systems associated with these disk groups are defined as follows:


For example:


Define the file systems which are used by the Oracle instance.

NOTE: One of these file systems must be the shared file system/logical volume containing the Oracle Home configuration information ($ORACLE_HOME). The name of the instance is used to name the disk groups, logical volumes and file systems.

LV[0]=/dev/vx/dsk/DG00_${SID_NAME} FS[0]=/${SID_NAME}

For example:

LV[0]=/dev/vx/dsk/DG00_ORACLE_TEST0/lvol1 FS[0]=/ORACLE_TEST0

NOTE: If you are using CFS mounted file systems, you must NOT configure volume groups, logical volumes, and file systems in the package control script, but configure dependency on Serviceguard CFS packages.

The service name must be the same as defined in the package configuration file. Always call the Oracle executable script with "start" for the SERVICE_CMD definitions.


SERVICE_CMD[0]="/etc/cmcluster/pkg/${SID_NAME}/ monitor"


For example:


SERVICE_CMD[0]="/etc/cmcluster/pkg/ORACLE_TEST0/ monitor" SERVICE_RESTART[0]="-r 2"

If Listener is also chosen to be monitored, then another service for listener has to be added as shown below:


SERVICE_CMD[1]="/etc/cmcluster/pkg/ORACLE_TEST0/ monitor_listener" SERVICE_RESTART[1]="-r 2"

Support For Oracle Database without ASM 21