NOTE: In case of multiple physical and logical partition configuration of DB2, the number of ports added in the services file has to be sufficient for the number of partitions created in the current node as well as the number of partitions created on the other nodes. This is to ensure that enough ports are available for all partitions to startup on a single node if all packages managing different partitions are started on that node.

In case of multiple physical and logical partition configuration of DB2, number of ports added in services file has to be sufficient for the number of partitions created in the current node as well as the number of partitions created on the other nodes. This is to ensure that enough ports are available for all partitions to startup on a single node if all packages managing different partitions are started on that node.

As an instance owner execute the following:[payroll_inst@node1/]> db2set DB2COMM=tcpip

[payroll_inst@node1/]> update database manager configuration using svcename db2c_payroll_inst

[payroll_inst@node1/]> db2stop[payroll_inst@node1/]> db2startNOTE: For multi-partitioned database using DB2 V9.7, a parameter called

DB2_PMODEL_SETTINGS needs to be set to SERIAL_RESTART:TRUE. This parameter along with the respective Fix Pack installation, provides fix for Database Partitioning Feature (DPF) issue reported by IC66748:DB2START RESTART NEEDS SERIAL FAILOVER CODE RE-USE FROM V91 IN V97 case.

For example:

[payroll_inst@node1/]> db2set DB2_PMODEL_SETTINGS=SERIAL_RESTART:TRUE11.Start the database manager and examine the database log for any errors.[payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2start

07/15/2008 18:10:32 1 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

04/15/2008 18:10:32 0 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

12.Define the DBNAME and MNTPOINT variables. Create the database on the mount point defined, connect to it locally, and terminate the connection.

As an instance owner, execute,

payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2 create database $DBNAME on $MNTPOINT payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2 connect to $DBNAME (as instance owner) Check the DB2 log for errors in $HOME/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log

On other cluster nodes catalog the already created database:

payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2 catalog database $DBNAME on $MNTPOINT \ authentication client

13.Terminate the connection and release the logical volume.

[payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2 terminate (as instance owner) [payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2stop (as instance user) [root@node1 /]> umount $MNTPOINT (as root user) [root@node1 /]> vgchange -a n $VG (as root user)

14.Stop database manager and correct errors (if any).[payroll_inst@node1 ~]> db2stop

74 Using the DB2 database Toolkit in a Serviceguard Cluster in HP-UX