York cluster is configured with a recovery version of the packages that are running on the Los Angeles cluster. These packages do not run under normal circumstances, but are set to start up when they are needed. In addition, either cluster may run other packages that are not involved in Continentalclusters operation.

Mutual Recovery Configuration

Bi-directional failover is supported in what is called a “mutual recovery configuration.” This allows recovery groups to be defined for primary packages running in both component clusters of a recovery pair in the Continentalclusters configuration. Figure 11 shows a mutual recovery configuration with Continentalclusters version prior to A.08.00. Figure 12 (page 38) shows a mutual recovery configuration with Continentalclusters version A.08.00.

Figure 11 Sample Mutual Recovery Configuration

Figure 12 Sample Mutual Recovery Configuration with Continentalclusters A.08.00

38 Designing Continentalclusters