18Skip Forward — Moves media forward 30 seconds in videos and live TV, one music track, or one DVD chapter.

19i (More information) — Displays available information about a selected media file and displays other menus.

20OK — Selects the desired action or window option and acts as the Enter key.

21CH/PG up (+) and down (–)Changes the TV channels or moves pages up and down, depending on available options. Moves to the next DVD chapter.

22DVD Menu — Opens the Play DVD window in Windows Media Center or opens the main menu of a DVD movie, if available.

23Live TV — Displays the full-screen view of live TV. Moves a TV program forward to the end of the pause buffer and resumes playing live TV.

24Enter — Selects the desired action, menu, or window option.

NOTE: The remote control requires two AA batteries. The remote control operates up to 8 meters (26 feet) away from the remote sensor. Make sure there is nothing blocking the pathway between the remote control and the remote sensor.

NOTE: If the computer model does not include a TV tuner, some remote control buttons are inactive.

Using the Windows Media Center Remote Control 51