in a slot that is not rated to provide 55W of power, your server hardware could experience a power drag.

The override parameter is a setting for the IO Accelerator VSL software by server and is not stored in the device. When moved to a new server, the device defaults to the 25 W power limit until an external power cable is added or the override parameter is enabled for that device in the new server. To determine the total PCIe slot power available for the new server, consult the manufacturer.

Enabling the override parameter

1.Use one of the following methods to determine the serial number of each device to be installed in a compatible slot:

oEnter the fio-status command: Sample output:



Adapter: Dual Controller Adapter

Fusion-io ioDrive2 DUO 2.41TB, Product Number:F01-001-2T41-CS-0001, FIO SN:1149D0969

External Power: NOT connected

PCIe Power limit threshold: 24.75W Connected ioMemory modules: fct2: SN:1149D0969-1121

fct3: SN:1149D0969-1111

In this example, 1149D0969 is the adapter serial number.

If you have multiple IO Accelerator devices installed on your system, use the fio-beacon command to verify where each device is physically located.

oInspect the adapter serial number labels on the IO Accelerator devices to determine the serial numbers. However, HP recommends confirming that each serial number is an adapter serial number by running the fio-status command. The adapter serial number label resides on the back of all HP ioDrive Duo devices and HP ioDrive2 Duo devices. On ioDrive Duos, the serial number is located on the PCB component that is attached to the PCIe connector.

2.To set the module parameter, edit the /usr/modprove.d/iomemory-vsl.conffile, and then change the value for the external_power_override parameter. For example:

options iomemory-vsl external_power_override=<value>

Where the <value> for this parameter is a comma-separated list of adapter serial numbers. For example:


3.To enforce any parameter changes, you must reboot or unload and then load the drivers.

Common maintenance tasks

The following are the most common tasks for maintaining your IO Accelerator device using command-line utilities.

Maintenance 37