Kerberos Error Messages

Kerberos V5 Library Error Codes

118.KRB5PLACEHOLD_117: KRB5 error code 117

119.KRB5PLACEHOLD_118: KRB5 error code 118

120.KRB5PLACEHOLD_119: KRB5 error code 119

121.KRB5PLACEHOLD_120: KRB5 error code 120

122.KRB5PLACEHOLD_121: KRB5 error code 121

123.KRB5PLACEHOLD_122: KRB5 error code 122

124.KRB5PLACEHOLD_123: KRB5 error code 123

125.KRB5PLACEHOLD_124: KRB5 error code 124

126.KRB5PLACEHOLD_125: KRB5 error code 125

127.KRB5PLACEHOLD_126: KRB5 error code 126

128.KRB5PLACEHOLD_127: KRB5 error code 127

129.KRB5_ERR_RCSID: $Id: admin.texinfo,v 1.7 1996/09/09 18:29:25 jcb Exp $

130.KRB5_LIBOS_BADLOCKFLAG: Invalid flag for file lock mode

131.KRB5_LIBOS_CANTREADPWD: Cannot read password

132.KRB5_LIBOS_BADPWDMATCH: Password mismatch

133.KRB5_LIBOS_PWDINTR: Password read interrupted

134.KRB5_PARSE_ILLCHAR: Illegal character in component name

135.KRB5_PARSE_MALFORMED: Malformed representation of principal

136.KRB5_CONFIG_CANTOPEN: Can’t open/find configuration file

137.KRB5_CONFIG_BADFORMAT: Improper format of configuration file

138.KRB5_CONFIG_NOTENUFSPACE: Insufficient space to return complete information

139.KRB5_BADMSGTYPE: Invalid message type specified for encoding

140.KRB5_CC_BADNAME: Credential cache name malformed

141.KRB5_CC_UNKNOWN_TYPE: Unknown credential cache type

142.KRB5_CC_NOTFOUND: Matching credential not found

143.KRB5_CC_END: End of credential cache reached


Appendix E