Introduction to the Kerberos Products and GSS-API




KRB5 Client Software




For DCE operations use /opt/dce/bin/kinit.




To view the kinit manpage, issue the following command:


$ man 1 kinit




The klist Utility



The klist utility lists the Kerberos principal and Kerberos tickets held


in a credentials cache, or the keys held in a keytab file.






[-c] [cache_name]



[-f] [cache_name]



[-s] [cache_name]



[-k] [keytab_name]



[-t] [keytab_name]



[-K] [keytab_name]



The -eoption displays the encryption types of the



session key and the ticket for each credential in the



credential cache, or each key in the keytab file.



The -coption lists tickets held in a credentials cache.



This is the default if neither -cnor -kis specified.



The -foption shows the flags present in the



credentials, using the following abbreviations:



F - forwardable



f - forwarded



P - Proxiable



p - proxy



D - postDateable



d - postdated



R- Renewable

Chapter 2