



Expressions are interpreted as follows:

. The value of dot.

+The value of dot increased by the current increment.

^The value of dot decreased by the current decrement.

"The last address typed.

integer A number. The pre®x 0 (zero) forces interpretation in octal radix; the pre®xes 0d and 0D force interpretation in decimal radix; the pre®xes 0x and 0X force interpretation in hexadecimal radix. Thus 020 = 0d16 = 0x10 = sixteen. If no pre®x appears, the default radix is used; see the $d command. The radix is initialized to the base used in the assembly language for the processor involved. Note that a hexadecimal number whose most signi®cant digit would otherwise be an alphabetic character must have a 0x (or 0X) pre®x.


A 32-bit ¯oating-point number.


The ASCII value of up to 4 characters. A backslash (\) can be used to escape a single


quote (').

< name

name can have the value of either a variable or a register. adb maintains a number of


variables named by single letters or digits; see Variables below. If name is a register, the


value of the register is obtained from the CORE_PROC segment in cor®l (before the sub-


process is initiated) or from the user area of the subprocess. Register names are imple-


mentation dependent; see the $r command.


A symbol is a sequence of uppercase or lowercase letters, underscores, or digits, not start-


ing with a digit. A backslash (\) can be used to escape other characters. The value of the


symbol is taken from the symbol table in obj®l. An initial underscore (_) is pre®xed to


symbol, if needed.

_ symbol

If the compiler pre®xes _ to an external symbol, it may be necessary to cite this name to


distinguish it from a symbol generated in assembly language.


The value of the expression exp.

The following are monadic operators:


The contents of the location addressed by exp in cor®l.

@exp The contents of the location addressed by exp in obj®l.

-expInteger negation.


Bitwise complement.

The following dyadic operators are left associative and are less binding than monadic operators:

e1+e2 Integer addition.

e1-e2Integer subtraction.

e1*e2 Integer multiplication.

e1%e2 Integer division.

e1&e2 Bitwise conjunction.

e1e2 Bitwise disjunction.

e1#e2 e1 rounded up to the next multiple of e2.


Most commands consist of an action character followed by a modi®er or list of modi®ers. The following action characters can take format speci®ers. (The action characters ? and / can be followed by *; see Addresses for further details.)


Locations starting at address in obj®l are printed according to the format f. dot is incre-


mented by the sum of the increments for each format letter. If a subprocess has been ini-


tiated, address references a location in the address space of the subprocess instead of

Section 14

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HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000