




Locations starting at address in cor®l are printed according to the format f and dot is


increased like ?. If a subprocess has been initiated, address refers to a location in the


address space of the subprocess instead of cor®l.


The value of address is printed in the styles indicated by the format f. (For i format ?


is printed for the parts of the instruction that refer to subsequent words.)

A format consists of one or more characters that specify a style of printing. Each format character can be preceded by an integer that indicates how many times the format is repeated. While stepping through a format, dot is increased by the amount given for each format character. If no format is given then the last format is used.

The following format characters are available:

a 0

Print the value of dot in symbolic form.

b 1

Print the addressed byte in hexadecimal.

B 1

Print the addressed byte in octal.

c 1

Print the addressed character (the sign bit is ignored).

C 1

Print the addressed character using the following escape convention. First, the sign bit is


discarded, then character values 000 to 040 are printed as @ followed by the


corresponding character in the range 0100 to 0140. The character @ is printed as @@.

d 2

Print 2 bytes in decimal.

D 4

Print 4 bytes in decimal.

f 4

Print the 32 bit value as a ¯oating point number.

F 8

Print double ¯oating point.

i n

Print as machine instructions. The value of n is the number of bytes occupied by the



n 0

Print a new-line character.

o 2

Print 2 bytes in octal. All octal numbers output by adb are preceded by 0.

O 4

Print 4 bytes in octal.

p n

Print the addressed value in symbolic form. The value of n is a machine-dependent con-



q 2

Print 2 bytes in signed octal.

Q 4

Print 4 bytes in signed octal.

r 0

Print a space.

s n

Print the addressed characters until a zero character is reached.

S n

Print a string using the @ escape convention. The value n is the length of the string


including its zero terminator.

t 0

When preceded by an integer, moves to the next appropriate tab stop. For example, 8t


moves to the next 8-space tab stop.

u 2

Print 2 bytes as an unsigned decimal number.

U 4

Print 4 bytes as an unsigned decimal number.

x 2

Print 2 bytes in hexadecimal.

X 4

Print 4 bytes in hexadecimal.

Y 4

Print 4 bytes in date format (see ctime(3C)).

"..." 0

Print the enclosed string.

^dot is decreased by the current increment. Nothing is printed.

+dot is increased by 1. Nothing is printed.

HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

− 3 −

Section 15
