


-dot is decreased by 1. Nothing is printed.


Repeat the previous command with a count of 1. The value of dot continues from the end of the previous format, unlike a [?/] command with no address, which repeats the previous address value. New-line can also be used to repeat a :s or :c command; however, any arguments to the previous command are lost.

[?/]l value mask

Words starting at dot are masked with mask and compared with value until a match is found. If L is used, adb looks to match 4 bytes at a time instead of 2. If no match is found, dot is left unchanged; otherwise dot is set to the matched location. If mask is omitted -1is used.

[?/]w value ...

Write the 2-byte value into the addressed location. If the command is W, write 4 bytes. Odd addresses are not allowed when writing to the subprocess address space.

=m Toggle the address mapping of cor®l between the initial map set up for a valid core ®le and the default mapping pair which the user can modify with /m. If the cor®l was invalid, only the default mapping is available.

[?/]m b1 e1 f1[?/]

Record new values for (b1, e1, f1). If fewer than three expressions are given, the remaining map parameters are left unchanged. If the ? or / is followed by *, the second segment (b2, e2, f2) of the mapping is changed. If the list is terminated by ? or /, the ®le (obj®l or cor®l, respectively) is used for subsequent requests. (For example, /m? causes / to refer to obj®l.) A /m command switches the cor®l mapping to the default mapping pair. For a valid core ®le, the =m command can be used to switch back to the initial mapping.


Assign dot to the variable or register named.

!Call a shell to read the remainder of the line following !. The following $ commands take the form $modi®er:


Read commands from the ®le f. If this command is executed in a ®le, further commands


in the ®le are not seen. If a count is given, and is zero, the command is ignored. The


value of the count is placed in variable 9 before the ®rst command in f is executed.


Similar to $< except it can be used in a ®le of commands without causing the ®le to be


closed. Variable 9 is saved when the command executes and is restored when it com-


pletes. Only ®ve $<< ®les can be open at once.



Send output to the ®le f, which is created if it does not already exist.


Print the process id and register values.



Print all breakpoints and their associated counts and commands.


C stack backtrace. If address is given, it is taken as the address of the current frame


(instead of the normal stack frame pointer). If count is given, only the ®rst count frames


are printed.



Set the default radix to address and report the new value. Note that address is inter-


preted in the (old) current radix. Thus 10$d never changes the default radix. To make


decimal the default radix, use 0d10$d.



The names and values of external variables are printed.


Print the ¯oating-point registers.



Print the address map. This includes both the initial and default maps for a valid cor®l


with an indication of which is currently active.


$N [nodenumber]



Print the number of nodes on V-class multinode machines and the current node number.


To switch to another node, enter $N nodenumber.



The default for all integers input is octal.



Exit from adb.


Section 16

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HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000