This option indicates that a new SCCS ®le is to be created.
The name of a ®le from which the contents for a new SCCS ®le is to be taken. (if name is a binary ®le, then you must specify the -b option) The contents constitutes the ®rst delta of the ®le (see the -roption for the delta numbering scheme). If the -ioption is used but the ®le name is omitted, the text is obtained by reading the standard input until an end-of-®le is encountered. If this option is omitted, the SCCS ®le is created with an empty initial delta. Only one SCCS ®le can be created by an admin com- mand on which the -ioption is supplied. Using a single admin to create two or more SCCS ®les requires that they be created empty (no -ioption). Note that the - i option implies the -noption.
Encode the contents of name, speci®ed to the -ioption. This keyletter must be used if name is a binary ®le; otherwise, a binary ®le will not be handled properly by SCCS commands.
The release (rel) into which the initial delta is inserted. This option can be used only if the -ioption is also used. If the -roption is not used, the initial delta is inserted into release 1. The level of the initial delta is always 1 (by default initial deltas are named 1.1).
The name of a ®le from which descriptive text for the SCCS ®le is to be taken. If the -toption is used and admin is creating a new SCCS ®le (the -nand/or -ioptions are also used), the descriptive text ®le name must also be supplied. In the case of existing SCCS ®les:
∙ A -toption without a ®le name causes removal of descriptive text (if any) currently in the SCCS ®le.
∙ A -toption with a ®le name causes text (if any) in the named ®le to replace the descriptive text (if any) currently in the SCCS ®le.







admin - create and administer SCCS ®les





admin -i[name][-n][-b][-a login]

... [-d¯ag[¯ag-val] ] ... [-f¯ag[¯ag-val] ] ...


... [-rrel] [-t[name] ]

[-y[comment] ] ®le ...

admin -n[-alogin] ... [-d¯ag[¯ag-val] ] ... [-f¯ag[¯ag-val] ] ... [-mmrlist] ...

[-t[name] ]

[-y[comment] ] ®le ...


admin [-alogin] ... [-elogin] ... [-d¯ag[¯ag-val] ] ... [-mmrlist] ...

[-rrel] [-t[name] ] ®le ...

admin -h ®le ...

admin -z ®le ...


The admin command is used to create new SCCS ®les and change the parameters of existing ones. Arguments to admin, which may appear in any order, ( unless --is speci®ed as an argument, in which case all arguments after --are treated as ®les ) consist of option arguments, beginning with -, and named ®les (note that SCCS ®le names must begin with the characters s.). If a named ®le does not exist, it is created and its parameters are initialized according to the speci®ed option arguments. Parameters not initialized by an option argument are assigned a default value. If a named ®le does exist, parameters corresponding to speci®ed option arguments are changed, and other parameters are left unaltered.

If directory is named instead of ®le, admin acts on each ®le in directory, except that non-SCCS ®les (the last component of the path name does not begin with s.) and unreadable ®les are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read, and each line of the standard input is assumed to be the name of an SCCS ®le to be processed. Again, non-SCCS ®les and unreadable ®les are silently ignored.

The admin option arguments apply independently to all named ®les, whether one ®le or many. In the following discussion, each option is explained as if only one ®le is speci®ed, although they affect single or multiple ®les identically.


The admin command supports the following options and command-line arguments:





-r rel


HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

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Section 113