


-fflag This option speci®es a ¯ag, and possibly a value for the ¯ag, to be placed in the SCCS ®le. Several -foptions can be supplied on a single admin command line. The allowable ¯ags and their values are:

bAllows use of the -boption on a get command (see get(1)) to create branch deltas.

cceil The highest release (i.e., "ceiling"), a number less than or equal to 9999, which can be retrieved by a get command for editing. The default value for an unspeci®ed c ¯ag is 9999.

ffloor The lowest release (i.e., "¯oor"), a number greater than 0 but less than 9999, which may be retrieved by a get command for editing. The default value for an unspeci®ed f ¯ag is 1.

dSID The default delta number SID to be used by a get command (see get(1)).

istr Causes the message:

No id keywords (cm7)

issued by get or delta to be treated as a fatal error (see delta(1)). In the absence of this ¯ag, the message is only a warning. The message is issued if no SCCS identi®cation keywords (see get(1)) are found in the text retrieved or stored in the SCCS ®le. If a value is supplied, the keywords must exactly match the given string. How- ever, the string must contain a keyword, but must not contain embedded newlines.

jAllows concurrent get commands for editing on the same SID of an SCCS ®le. This allows multiple concurrent updates to the same ver- sion of the SCCS ®le.

Only one user can perform concurrent edits. Access by multiple users is usually accomplished by using a common login or a set user ID program (see chmod(1) and exec(2)).

llist A list of releases to which deltas can no longer be made. (A get -eagainst one of these locked releases fails). The list has the following syntax:

list ::= range list , range

range ::= RELEASE NUMBER a

The character a in the list is equivalent to specifying all releases for the named SCCS ®le. Omitting any list is equivalent to a.

nCauses delta to create a null delta in each of those releases being skipped (if any) when a delta is made in a new release (such as when making delta 5.1 after delta 2.7, release 3 and release 4 are skipped). These null deltas serve as anchor points so that branch deltas can be created from them later. The absence of this ¯ag causes skipped releases to be nonexistent in the SCCS ®le, preventing branch deltas from being created from them in the future.

qtext User-de®nable text substituted for all occurrences of the %Q% keyword in SCCS ®le text retrieved by get.

mmod The module name of the SCCS ®le substituted for all occurrences of the %M% keyword in SCCS ®le text retrieved by get. If the m ¯ag is not speci®ed, the value assigned is the name of the SCCS ®le with the leading s. removed.

ttype The type of module in the SCCS ®le substituted for all occurrences of %Y% keyword in SCCS ®le text retrieved by get.

Section 114

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HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000