




Causes delta to prompt for Modi®cation Request (MR) numbers as



the reason for creating a delta. The optional value speci®es the name



of a (MR) number validity checking program (see delta(1)). (If this



¯ag is set when creating an SCCS ®le, the m option must also be used



even if its value is null).



Causes get to create ®les with execute permissions.


Causes removal (deletion) of the speci®ed ¯ag from an SCCS ®le. The -doption can


be speci®ed only when processing existing SCCS ®les. Several -doptions can be sup-


plied on a single admin command line. See the -foption for allowable ¯ag names.



A list of releases to be unlocked. See the -foption for a description



of the l ¯ag and the syntax of a list.


A login name, or numerical HP-UX group ID, to be added to the list of users allowed


to make deltas (changes) to the SCCS ®le. A group ID is equivalent to specifying all


login names common to that group ID. Several a options can be used on a single


admin command line. As many logins or numerical group IDs as desired can be on


the list simultaneously. If the list of users is empty, anyone can add deltas. A login


or group ID preceded by a ! denies permission to make deltas.


A login name or numerical group ID to be erased from the list of users allowed to


make deltas (changes) to the SCCS ®le. Specifying a group ID is equivalent to specify-


ing all login names common to that group ID. Several e options can be used on a sin-


gle admin command line.


The comment text is inserted into the SCCS ®le as a comment for the initial delta in a


manner identical to that of delta(1). Omission of the -yoption results in a default


comment line being inserted in the form:


date and time created YY / MM / DD / HH / MM / SS by login


The -yoption is valid only if the -iand/or -noptions are speci®ed (i.e., a new SCCS


®le is being created).


The list of Modi®cation Request (MR) numbers is inserted into the SCCS ®le as the


reason for creating the initial delta, in a manner identical to delta(1). The v ¯ag must


be set and the (MR) numbers are validated if the v ¯ag has a value (the name of an


(MR) number validation program). Diagnostic messages occur if the v ¯ag is not set


or (MR) validation fails.


Causes admin to check the structure of the SCCS ®le (see sccs®le(4)), and to compare


a newly computed checksum (the sum of all of the characters in the SCCS ®le except


those in the ®rst line) with the checksum that is stored in the ®rst line of the SCCS


®le. Appropriate error diagnostics are produced.


This option inhibits writing on the ®le, thus canceling the effect of any other options


supplied, and therefore is only meaningful when processing existing ®les.


The SCCS ®le checksum is recomputed and stored in the ®rst line of the SCCS ®le


(see -h, above).


Note that use of this option on a truly corrupted ®le can prevent future detection of the corruption.

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Do not add optional ACL entries to SCCS ®les. SCCS removes them, possibly causing unexpected and undesirable access modes.


Environment Variables

LC_CTYPE determines the interpretation of text as single- and/or multi-byte characters.

LC_MESSAGES determines the language in which messages are displayed.

If LC_CTYPE or LC_MESSAGES is not speci®ed in the environment or is set to the empty string, the value of LANG is used as a default for each unspeci®ed or empty variable. If LANG is not speci®ed or is set to the empty string, a default of C (see lang(5)) is used instead of LANG. If any internationalization variable contains an invalid setting, admin behaves as if all internationalization variables are set to C. See

HP-UX Release 11i: December 2000

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Section 115
