Listing exported items

To list the exported items, specify:

--ListExport --Location

Importing items from a content database

To import an item from a content database, specify:

--Import --Destination destination --Location path --Item item

To import items from a content database, specify:

--Import --Destination destination --Location path --Items item1 item2 item3


Workflows cannot be imported.

Displaying Microsoft SharePoint farm information

To display detailed information of the farm, such as name, display name, address, type name, role, version, status and all services running in this farm, specify:


Displaying content database information

To display content database information such as: Office Servers, Shared Services, SharePoint configuration, Share Services Search, Recovery Web Application, Shared Services Content, SharePoint Admin Content, content database name, specify:


Displaying a list of sites

To display the Web Application name, the site’s URL, content database name and the all the sites in this content database, specify:


Command line reference