IPv4 Access Control Lists (ACLs)

Configuring Extended ACLs

Configure ACEs in a Named, Extended ACL and/or Enter the “Named ACL” (nacl) Context. Configuring ACEs is done after using the ip access- list standard < name-str> command described on page 9-56to enter the “Named ACL” (nacl) context of an ACL. For an extended ACL syntax summary, refer to table 9-7on page 9-53.


< deny permit > < ip ip-protocol ip-protocol-nbr>


< any host < SA > SA/ mask-length SA < mask > >


< any host < DA > DA/ mask-length DA < mask > >


[ precedence ] [ tos ] [ log ]

Appends an ACE to the end of the list of ACEs in the current ACL. In the default configuration, ACEs are automatically assigned consecutive sequence numbers in increments of 10 and can be renumbered using resequence (page 9-80).

Note: To insert a new ACE between two existing ACEs in an extended, named ACL, precede deny or permit with an appro­ priate sequence number along with the ACE keywords and variables you want. (Refer to “Inserting an ACE in an Exist­ ing ACL” on page 9-77.)

For a match to occur, a packet must have the source and destination addressing criteria specified in the ACE, as well as:

the protocol-specific criteria configured in the ACE, including any included, optional elements (described later in this section)

any (optional) precedence and/or ToS settings configured in the ACE

<deny permit >

For named ACLs, these keywords are used in the “Named ACL” (nacl) context to specify whether the ACE denies or permits a packet matching the criteria in the ACE, as described below.
