Modem and Network Connections

Making Wireless Network Connections (select models only)

5.If you want to use encrypted communication, uncheck the automatic key option, then select the following parameters:

Key: ASCII passphrase or hexadecimal key string

Key format: ASCII for passphrase, hexadecimal for key string

Key length: smaller number for 64-bit encryption, larger number for 128-bit

6.Mark the option to make this a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network.

7.Select OK to save the configuration. This network is added to your list of preferred networks and becomes available to other computers.


To turn wireless communication on and off




Wireless networks and cellular modems are examples of devices that use wireless


communication. Such devices may be restricted in some situations or environments,


such as when traveling in an airplane. If in doubt, be sure to ask for authorization


before turning on your notebook wireless networking.


In Italy, Singapore, and possibly other countries, you may be required to purchase a


license before using the wireless function.


Turning on communication and making a connection



If your notebook has both wireless 802.11 and Bluetooth capabilities, the wireless


indicator light on the front of the notebook turns on when Bluetooth or 802.11


communication is turned on, but it does not show whether Bluetooth, 802.11, or both


functions are active. You must use the Wireless Configuration software to control the


individual wireless functions.


1. If the notebook is not on, turn it on.


2. If you normally press the wireless on-off button on the front of the notebook to


turn wireless 802.11 communication on and off, press the button so the indicator


light turns on. This restores your previous wireless configuration.




Select Start > Control Panel > Network and Internet Connections > Network


Connections, then select the wireless network connection icon.


If you are within range of your wireless network, your notebook automatically


connects. To check the status of your wireless connection, open Network


Connections in Control Panel, then select the connection.

42 Reference Guide