234 Index
AA2DP 170
About licenses and protected media
- install and set up 126
- overview 32
- set up on WinXP 76
- synchronize 77, 127
- Wireless Manager 152
Add and remove programs 198
Add attachment to message 118
Adobe Reader LE
- exit 143
- navigate through document 143
- overview 34
- search for text in the document
- use 143
Alarm 69
Answer/end a call 53
Appointment search 46
Assign programs or shortcuts to
hardware buttons 68
AT&T Mall 32
AT&T Music 33
Attachments 120
BBacklight 67
Back up data 147
Basic settings 60
- battery information 22
- charge battery 25
- check battery power 27
- save battery power 156, 203
Beam 171
Block Recognizer 43
- Bluetooth Explorer 34, 172
- Bluetooth file sharing 172
- Bluetooth shared folder 172
- hands-free headset 170
- modes 168
- overview 168
- partnership (pairing) 168
- stereo headset 170
- synchronize 79
- turn on and off 152
- visible 168
Bluetooth Explorer 34
Browsing the Web 160
Burst capture mode 177
CCalculator 34
Calendar 32, 89
Calendar search 46
Calibration 26
Camera (AT&T Tilt only)
- capture modes 176, 177
- controls 178
- file formats 177
- icons 178
- overview 33
- specifications 231
Camera Quick Settings Panel 180
Camera settings 184
Cellular Video 33
Clear Storage 202