262 Index
CCalculator 201
- about 200
- create appointment 205
- send appointment 207
- view appointment 206
Call History 51
- from Contacts 47
- from Home screen 47
- from Phone screen 47
- about 170, 201
- Advanced Options
- capture modes 170
- controls 172
- file formats 171
- icons 172
- Menu Panel 174
- specifications 253
- zooming 175
Car kit phones 58
Clear Storage 248
Clock & Alarms 234, 237, 240
Comm Manager 201, 212, 236
Compact QWERTY 82
Company Directory 127
Conference call 49
Configure data connection settings 30,
133, 241
Connect device to Internet
- Dial-up 134
- GPRS/3G 133
- start a connection 135
- ways of connecting 130
Connection Setup 30, 36, 241
Contacts 200, 208
Contacts Picture capture mode 171
- contacts to SIM card 218
- copy and manage files 232
- media files from PC to device 188
- SIM contacts to device 218
DDevice name 239
Dial-up 134
Dimensions and weight 253
Direct Push 122, 212
Disconnect data connection 212
- download complete e-mail 115
- e-mail download settings 111, 117
- file attachments 116
- Java applications 216
- satellite data 167
- synchronize e-mails 116
- Web feeds 151
Draw 215
- Internet e-mail account (POP3/
IMAP4) 110
- mail server settings 111
- Mail tab (Home screen) 66
- send 114
- settings (POP3/IMAP4) 111
- setup wizard 110
- synchronize 90, 116, 120
- types of e-mail accounts 109
EDGE 133
Emergency call 48
- MMS 107
- Windows Live Messenger 148