Index 265
Ring tone 74, 239
Ring type 239
- about 151, 202
- headline list 153
- news channels 151
- podcasts 154
- summary view 154
SSafety information 5
Screen text size 238
Search 202
- e-mail 114
- MMS message 106
- text message (SMS) 101
Settings (Connections tab)
- Advanced Network 236
- Beam 236
- Bluetooth 236
- Connections 133, 134, 236
- Connection Setup 236, 241
- Domain Enroll 236
- SMS Service 236
- USB to PC 95, 236
- Wi-Fi 132, 236
- Wireless LAN 132, 237
Settings (Personal tab)
- Buttons 233
- Input 233
- Lock 233, 244
- Menus 233
- Owner Information 233
- Phone 234, 239, 240
- Sounds & Notiļ¬cations 234, 240
- Today 234
- TTY 234
- Voice Commander Settings 234
Settings (System tab)
- About 234, 239
- Certiļ¬cates 234
- Clear Storage 234, 248
- Clock & Alarms 234, 237, 240
- Device Information 234
- Error Reporting 234
- External GPS 235
- Hearing Aid Compliance 235
- Key Lock 235
- Long Press End Key 235
- Managed Programs 235
- Memory 235
- Microphone AGC 235
- Power 235
- Regional Settings 235, 238
- Remove Programs 204, 235
- Screen 235, 238
- Task Manager 235, 242
- TouchFLO 39, 77, 235
- Windows Update 236, 248
Settings tab (Home screen) 74
SIM Access Profile (SAP) 58
SIM card
- install 25
- PIN 244
- remove 26
SIM Manager
- about 202, 218
- copy contacts to SIM card 218
- copy SIM contacts to device 218
- create SIM contact 218
Sleep mode 31
Smart Dial 56
SMS 65, 101, 114
Soft reset 246
Sounds & Notifications 234, 240
Spb GPRS Monitor 202, 220
Speakerphone 50