Instant Messaging

Access and send instant messages

1. Tap Start.
2. Tap Instant Messaging.
3. Tap the instant messaging provider.
n If you tapped Windows Live™
Messenger, tap Sign in.
n If you tapped any other instant
messaging provider, tap each provider
that you would like to log in to and then
tap OK.
n To add a provider at a later time, tap
Options > Select Services from the
Instant Messaging sign in screen.
4. Tap the AIM®
, Google TalkTM
, MySpace®,
or Yahoo! Messenger® tab.
5. Sign in to your account to send IM
messages to your contacts.
Separate charges may apply to send/receive domestic/international instant messages.
James05movie @ 7.15. don’t b late. 0207_lanano worries. on my way.James05see you then!