The sonar returns received by the LEGEND 1000 SERIES are displayed along the depth range scale in a REAL TIME
displays new sonar information within the transducer cone in an expanded,
Real Time Sonar™ (RTS) Window
shows instantaneous sonar |
returns from the bottom, |
structure and fish that are | Intense |
within the transducer beam. |
| Structure | |
returns |
| ||
The RTS WINDOW updates with |
| |
| Bottom | |
new sonar information much | Less intense |
| |
| ||
more quickly than the CHART | returns |
WINDOW - up to 20 times per |
second in shallow water. The |
RTS WINDOW responds to |
| |
way similar to a flasher type |
| |
sonar display. Interpreting |
the RTS information requires some |
| |
skill; comparing the RTS data with the |
| |
data in the CHART WINDOW, however, makes |
| |
the RTS information easy to |
| Fish |
understand. |
The RTS WINDOW plots the depth and |
| Soft | |
intensity of a sonar return. Sonar |
| Bottom | |
intensity is indicated by the length of |
| |
the horizontal lines, while depth is |
| |
indicated by the vertical placement of |
| |
the lines next to the depth range scale. |
| |
The intensity of the sonar return is |
| |
divided into eight levels of grayscale. |
| |
The most intense returns are shown in |
| |
black; less intense sonar returns are |
| |
shown in progressively lighter shades |
| Hard | ||
of gray. |
| Bottom | |
The combination of the length of the lines and the gray scale level helps to identify the bottom composition and structure. The bottom displays as the largest grouping of black horizontal lines, and typically has gray lines
underneath. A harder bottom shows less gray below; a soft bottom shows more gray below. Structure appears above the bottom as a cluster of lines with varying lengths and gray shades.
Fish appear as smaller groupings of sonar returns between the bottom and surface. Often, large fish within a structure will show as a strong return within a grouping of smaller returns. When the boat is stationary or drifting very slowly, the RTS WINDOW can show the movement of the fish through the transducer beam. Moving fish appear as smaller groups of lines that become progressively larger lines, or vice versa. A grouping of lines moving vertically indicates a fish changing depth.
The width of the RTS WINDOW can be adjusted to your preference. Selecting a wider RTS WINDOW shows greater differences between the strength of the sonar returns, although doing this will reduce the amount of history on the display. See CONTROL PANELS for details on adjusting
The Chart Window
The CHART WINDOW creates a historical log of sonar returns from stored RTS
information. As the boat moves, variations in the depth and sonar return changes are charted to form an image of the bottom contour. The most recent sonar returns are charted on the right side of the window; as new information is received, the older information is moved across the display.
The CHART WINDOW also | Hard | Soft | Rocky |
indicates the composition | Bottom | Bottom | Bottom |
of the bottom. A hard |
bottom, such as compacted sediment or flat rock, appears as a dark, thin line across the display. A soft bottom, such as mud or sand, appears as a thicker line that contains a transition from darker to lighter grays. Bottoms made up of many rocks have a broken, random appearance.