Hydrodynamic noise can be overcome by proper transducer installation. Many Humminbird® products have a Noise Filter menu setting that allows the user to clear the screen of noise that is difficult toeliminate.

Pixels: Pixels are the “ picture elements“, or sma ll square blo cks, that m ake

up the image on t he LCD. Measured

as a vertical b y h orizontal n umber

(i.e. 640V x 320H), this key specificatio

n typ ically indicates the quality of

resolution. In fishfinders, the total resolution (vertical multiplied by horizontal) is often less important than the “Vertical Pixel“ resolution. See Pixels, Vertical.

Pixels, Vertical: Vertical Pixels are a nu mber of vertical picture elements in a single column on an LCD display.A greater number of vertical pixels provide finer resolution of targets detected bysonar. Essentially, avertical distance (the depth), when divided by a larger number, breaksthat distance into smaller samples, each representing a smaller area and thusproviding more detail. In fishfinders,vertical pixels are more critical than horizontal pixels because the horizontal axis of the display represents time, or history. Sonar informationon the horizontal axis can vary greatly, depending on boat s peed and the Cha rt Speed setting. A g reater number of horizontal pixels show more sonar history that the boat has passed through. On m any m odels, Humminbird® provides the m ost vertical pixels to provide a better display resolution. See Chart Speed and Pixels.

Power Output: Power output is the amoun t of so und energy emi tted into the water by the sonar transmitter.Power output is measured using either RMS (Root Mean Square) or P-T-P (Peak-to-Peak) measurement systems. Either method is acceptable, but it is important, when comparing power outputs, to make sure that the same measurement system is being us ed for both ou tputs, because P-T-P numbers are 8 times higher than RMS numbers. Greaterpower output allows the sonar signal to penetrate through weeds and thermoclines, reach deeper depths and operate more effectively in noisy environments, such as when the boat i s running at high speed.

Pulse Width (Pulse Length): Pulse Width is the length of time that a sonar sound burst is transmitted into the water. Shorter pulse widths provide better target separation, but cannot travel to great depths. Longer pulse widths provide better depth penetration, but resul t i n poorer target separation. H umminbird® varies pulse wi dth ba sed on depth to optimi ze bo th target separation and depth performance. See Target Separation.



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Humminbird 586c, 596c manual Glossary