Also, in the manual mode everything below the bottom is no longer blacked out,
therefore a second return or double echo can be displayed if desired. (See figure 15).
Also, the hardness of the bottom can be determined by the thickness of the bottom
return. For example, a hard or rock bottom will give a wider bottom return as compared
to a soft or muddy bottom. (See Figure 16).
You should also note that it's possible to have the sensitivity set too high such that
reflection off of suspended matter or air bubbles will begin to blackout the display.
5. Zoom and Bottom Lock: You will find the Zoom feature of the LCR to be a very
valuable tool. The zoom Range is controlled by the Range Up or Range Down buttons.
Each time one of these buttons is depressed the zoom region will move one division If
the button is held down the region will continue to move as long as the button is held
The zoom region is indicated by the wide group of bars at the right side of the display.
On the LCR4-ID this zoom region is 15 feet wide. On the LCR40-ID the region size may
be selected at 15 feet, 30 feet or 60 feet by pressing the Zoom Size button. On the 15 ft.
zoom each dot represents 21/2 inches, on the 30 ft. zoom each dot is 5 inches and on
the 60 ft. each dot is 10 inches.
What Zoom Does
The zoom feature on the LCR will
allow you to look at underwater
readings in very fine detail, and
with the LCR's Total Screen
Update you have the capability to
zoom in on bottom, fish and
structure, even after you have
gone over the area.
How To Use Zoom
First position the Zoom Region
(See Figure 17) next to the area
that you want to expand by
pressing the Range up or down
button. Next, by pressing the
Zoom button the zoom will be
activated. You will notice that the