EC-declaration of conformity
(Applies to Europe only)
Husqvarna AB,
-of June 22, 1998 ”relating to machinery” 98/37/EC, annex IIA.
-of May 3, 1989 ”relating to electromagnetic compatibility” 89/336/EEC, and applicable supplements.
-of May 8, 2000 ”relating to the noise emissions in the environment” 2000/14/EC.
For information relating to noise emissions, see the chapter Technical data. The following standards have been applied:
EN ISO 12100-2:2003, CISPR 12:2005, EN ISO 11681-1:2004
Notified body: 0404, SMP Svensk Maskinprovning AB, Fyrisborgsgatan 3,
In addition, SMP, Svensk Maskinprovning AB, Fyrisborgsgatan 3,
The supplied chain saw conforms to the example that underwent EC type examination.
Huskvarna 10 October 2007
Bengt Frögelius, Development director chainsaw R&D
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