Check all guards for damage and proper function daily espe- cially the spring loaded lower and upper blade guard. Blade guards and cover should be secure to the saw and not dam- aged.
Diamond blade
Inspect diamond blades daily for damage, cracks, secure fit to the arbor, loss of segments, warping or overheating. If any blade shows any of these problems, discard the blade and never use.
Skid plate
Inspect the skid plate daily for damage, excessive wear in the blade slot, burrs on the concrete side, and twisting. Replace the skid plate with each new blade. Never
Saw controls
Inspect all controls for proper function daily. Check the ON/ OFF paddle switch for proper operation. Insure that the lower guard swings open and closes freely.
Clean the blade housing of any excess concrete build up after each use. Keep all openings and slot on the saw clean and open so air flows freely through the motor compartment to in- sure proper cooling.
Check guarding, diamond blade, | Daily |
skid plate, and controls. |
Clean blade housing assembly and saw. | Daily |
Clean dust and debris from ventilation openings. | Daily |
Do not modify the saw! Use only Husqvarna Construc- tion Products replacement parts. Use of unauthorized parts may create a danger or damage the engine.
“The timing of concrete operations - especially finishing and jointing - is critical”, states a quote from the foreword of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) 302.1
The patented
2.A Husqvarna Excel Series
3.A Husqvarna
4.An operator skilled in using the
Without this, joints can not be cut clearly enough to control random cracking before it starts, which is what the building owner is paying for.
The ACI Spec
The Portland Cement Association (PCA) engineering bulletin, Concrete Floors on the ground, also states:
“Proper jointing can eliminate unsightly random cracks. Aspects of joining that lead to a good job are choosing the
correct type of joint for each location, establishing a good joint pattern and layout, and installing the joint at the correct time...
Timing of joint sawing is critical...Lightweight,
Husqvarna has the only Ultra Early Entry
We hope this information is beneficial to building owners, general contractors, concrete finishers, saw operators and the entire industry. For additional information, contact Husqvarna Construction Products at (951)