4. Tag (id3tag ver2.0)
- Title/ Artist/ Album: 32 byte support.
5. Multi card reader not support.
6. USB 2.0 support.
USB format supports 2.0.
Capacity: up to 2 GB.
SD cards brands: Cannon, Fuji film, Palm, Motorola, Microsoft, IBM, HP, Compaq, Sharp, Samsung, etc.
Capacity: up to 2 GB.
MMC cards brands: Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, HP, Palm, Sanyo, Microsystems, etc.
Capacity: up to 2 GB.
Note: Because of the great variety of products with SD and MMC card slots and their sometimes quite manufacturer-
specific functions the producer can neither guarantee that all devices will be recognized nor that all operating options that
are pos sible in theo ry will act ually work .
ID3 Tag information
This unit supports ID3 tag ver2.0. If an MP3/WMA file has ID3 Tag information, it will be displayed on the LCD. If there
is no ID3 Tag informa tion, not hing will b e show n on LC D. The ID3 T ag infor matio n may includ e File, F older , Music ,
Album or Artist data.
Press NEXT/PREVIOUS buttons to choose next or previous track. Press longer than 1 sec., to choose forward playback or
backward playback.
Press PAUSE button to pause the playback, press one more time to resume the normal playback.