2. Searching File Name:
 Press A/PS twice, then file search is activated.
 Press VOL knob, then the first directory is displayed.
 Turn VOL knob to right or left, you can select the directory you want.
 Press VOL knob again, then the directory is fixed and the first file name is displayed.
 Turn VOL knob to right or left, you can select the file you want.
 Press VOL knob, then the song you selected will start.
3. Searching Character:
 Press A/PS 3 times, then character search mode is activated.
 Press VOL knob, then “A” character is displayed.
 Turn VOL knob to right or left, you can select the letter you want.
 Press VOL knob longer than 2 sec.
 The song which has same character you selected is displayed.
 Turn VOL knob to right or left, you can select the song you want.
 Press VOL knob, then the song you selected will start.