Workstation Preparation & New User Getting Started Guide
Page 50 of 51
1.7h July 17,
2007 Neil Starkey Misc corrections
1.7i July 25,
2007 Ames Trebing
James Stroud Added notice for network changes to network
systems: firewalls, packet forwarding and
filtering devices. Added TLS java setting to
summary. Added info that on the conflict with
IWS due to JREs.
1.7j February
8, 2008 James Stroud Corrected Firewall Port Info, removing several
UDP port requirements
1.7k February
16, 2008 Jennifer Sackett Updated JRE versions, Help Desk contact
information, and training and Help Desk
navigation info in Appendix A.
1.8a May 28,
2008 Mostafa
Yasir Saleem
Added FDDC & SDC procedures. Section 4.4
and Appendix B were created. Section 4.2 was
also updated to reflect compatibility with Ubuntu
8.01 and CentOS 5.1. Moved revision history to
the end of the document, and can now be seen
in the Table of Contents. Fixed the version seen
in the footer on the title page, and the page
numbering in table of contents. Page numbers
are no long restarting from 1 for Appendices,
instead they continue onwards from previous
section. Minor adjustment to the title on page 2.
End of Document.