category boundaries, 495
censored data, 475
CFI, comparative fit index, 612
default behavior, 243
defaults, 243
fonts, 27
orientation of drawing area, 86
chi-square probability method, 281
chi-square statistic, 53
display in figure caption, 53
classification errors, 536
minimum discrepancy function C, 120, 599
table, 368
CMIN/DF, minimum discrepancy function divided
by degrees of freedom, 601
combining results of multiply imputed data files, 471
common factor analysis model, 139
common factor model, 138
common factors, 139
comparing models
using Bayes factors, 329
using BCC, 326
using BIC, 328, 347
complex model, 598
conditional test, 260
conditions for identifiability, 140
confidence limits, 615, 616
consistent AIC (CAIC), 309
covariances, 44
means and intercepts, 378
parameters, 14
variances, 42
add to improve model, 110
conventional linear regression, 67
conventions for specifying group differences, 161
in Bayesian estimation, 396
in distribution, 396
of posterior summaries, 397
path diagram, 21
text output, 21
correlation estimates as text output, 34
correlations among exogenous variables, 77
pd method for drawing path diagrams, 582
draw, 190
label, 191
structural, 365
unbiased estimates, 242
a second group, 191
path diagram, 87
credible interval, 386
credible regions, 406
critical ratio, 30
calculate, 110
cross-group constraints, 232
generating, 379
parameters affected by, 366
setting manually, 369
custom estimands, 437
data and model specification methods, 57
data files, 11
data imputation, 270, 461, 484, 516
data input, 46
data recoding, 477, 492, 512
declarative methods, 57
defaults, changing, 243
degrees of freedom, 32
descriptive fit measures, 625
DF, degrees of freedom, 598
MCMC, 504
direct effect, 122
discrepancy functions, 593
distribution assumptions for Amos models, 35
drag properties option, 189