draw covariances, 190
drawing area
add covariance paths, 90
add unobserved variable, 90
change orientation of, 86
viewing measurement weights, 366
duplicate measurement model, 88
ECVI, expected cross-validation index, 607
endogenous variables, 69, 76
EQS (SEM program), 243
equality constraints, 140
equation format for AStructure method, 78
establishing covariances, 27
estimate means and intercepts option
when not selected, 212
when selected, 212
indirect effects, 425
means, 209
variances and covariances, 23
European Values Study Group, 489
exhaustive specification search, 358
exogenous variables, 38, 69, 76, 78
exploratory analysis, 101
exploratory factor analysis, 344, 349
F0, population discrepancy function, 603
factor analysis, 137
exploratory, 349
model, 229
with structured means, 229
factor loadings, 139, 365
factor means
comparing, 370
removing constraints, 371
factor score weights, 122
Fisher iris data, 521, 539
fit measures, 597, 617, 621
fitting all models, 368
in a single analysis, 188
fixed variables, 35
FMIN, minimum value of discrepancy F, 602
forward heuristic specification search, 358
free parameters, 38
generated models, 367
generating cross-group constraints, 379
pd method, 588
GFI, goodness-of-fit index, 613
GLS, generalized least squares, 594
best-fit, 338
scatterplot of fit and complexity, 333
scree plot, 340
GroupName method, 172
heuristic specification search, 349, 358
backwards, 358
forward, 358
limitations of, 361
stepwise, 358, 359
HOELTER, critical N, 615
homogeneity of variances and covariances, 546
hypothesis testing, 52
identifiability, 67, 139, 619
conditions for, 140
identification constraints, 148
IFI, incremental fit index, 611
improper solutions, 410
Bayesian, 462
data, 461, 484, 516
model-based, 462
multiple, 462
regression, 461
stochastic regression, 461
independence model, 272, 275, 306, 597